Fordfield Road, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear, SR4 0DA

01915 537655

  1. Learning
  2. Key Stage 1 & 2
  3. Year 1
  4. Year 1 Gallery & Work 22/23

Year 1 Gallery & Work 22/23


Over the next two weeks we will be earning all about France. We have been learning some french words, singing a french number song and looking at how to travel to France. We have also been looking at the different food you can get from France. We were able to try some French baguette, croissants and pain au chocolat! We thought they were delicious!

Magical Maths

On Monday we did some magical maths. We looked at capacity, comparing how full and empty cups were. When we came into school on Monday we saw an envelope. Inside the envelope was some instructions to help us make a magic potion. We has some interesting ingredients! There was some dragons blood, blue slime, glittery water, fairy juice and troll boogies. We followed the instructions to make sure we added the right amount of each ingredient. We then mixed it up. We had lots of fun!


For computing this week we have looked at different technologies and decided if they are things we would use now, or if they are things people used in the past. We talked about how technology has changed and got better over time.


This week in year 1 we have been looking at what lonliness feels like and how we could help people who are feeling lonely. We read the story of Larry the Lonely Lamb and talked all about how he would feel when he was left out of all the other lambs games. We discussed what it means to ‘walk a mile in someone else's shoes’. We came up with some great ideas to help others if they feel lonely.

Athletics Trip

On Friday, we went to Farringdon school to do some mini athletic. We were so excited to go on the double decker bus! We worked in teams to learn different skills. We practiced different ball skills such as throwing and catching. We worked as a team for some of our ball games and raced against each other for some. We thought it was the ‘best day ever’!


In maths we have been looking at money. We have been looking at different coins recognising them and ordering them in value.

English - Mr Ted's Seaside Holiday

When we came into school this week we noticed that Mr Ted was missing. We then received a post card from him and we learnt that he has been on a seaside holiday to Roker Beach. We have been learning lots of facts about Roker lighthouse and the beach.


In Art we have been learning about the artist George Seurat who used a technique called pointillism to create his art work. We practised using pointillism using different colours. To begin to create our final piece of art work we created a beach scene background using watery paint. We then designed and painted our own lighthouses using pointlism. We can wait to show you our finished piece or art work.


In computing we have been learning how to save our work. We used the Ipads to explore Purple Mash. We followed instructions to access our ‘2Do’s’. We then designed our own flag before saving it. We had great fun using Purple Mash and have took our passwords home so we can continue our learning at home.


In maths, we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also been counting objects in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s making it easier and quicker for us to count lots of objects.


This half term in science, Year 1 have been looking at plants. We have talked about the different parts of a plant and their job to help a plant grow healthily. We have also talked about what plants need to grow. This week we have started an experiment to test what plants need to grow. We planted three pots of cress. One will receive sunlight and water while another will receive sunlight and no water. We have also placed two pots in the cupboard, one which we will water and the other we will not. We will check them regularly to see if our predictions are correct.


This half term in maths we have been looking at numbers to 100. This week we have been ordering numbers to 100, using the tens and ones to helps us. We decided that if the tens are different then we could use them to help us order the numbers. But if the tens were the same then we would have to use the ones.

King's Coronation

To celebrate the Kings Coronation, we had a picnic! We designed our sandwich and cake before we made them. We had a choice of ham, jam or cheese sandwich. We even used Mrs Bailey’s crown shaped cutter to make crown shaped sandwiches! We also made some rice crispy cakes using white chocolate which we decorated with red, white and blue sprinkles. We decorated a flag and sang the National Anthem with the whole school before having a picnic. It was so much fun!

This week in music the children have been looking at Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch.
We have learnt what all of these are. 
Pulse: A forever constant Heartbeat of the music.
Rhythm: Long and short sounds
Pitch: High and low sounds
We have been learning 3 songs, all linked to our topic of coast and seas. 
We have learnt the songs:
  1. The big ship sails on the ally ally oh
  2. There's a hole in the bottom of the sea
  3. My Ship rolls over the ocean


We added actions and movement to the songs.


RE - Judaism

This term in Year 1 we have been learning all about Judaism. We have talked about the different celebrations that they do. As part of our DT, we made our own Dreidels out of clay. Before we started, we planned how we would make our dreidels and what they would want them to look like. We moulded the clay to make it soft and then formed it into the right shape. We used different techniques to make sure our handles stayed on. Once they were dry, we used paint to pain them and then put the symbol on using felt tips. After we had decorated them, we evaluated our dreidels and talked about what we like and didn’t li about them.


This half term in art we have been learning about Vyara Tichkova who created collages using different colour materials. We first looked and discussed her art work and decided on our favourite piece. We then created our own colleges of our initials using different pictures we found in magazines.

British Science Week

This week in Year 1, we had some very special visitors from Sunderland University who came to work with us as part of British Science Week. The theme of this years science week is about female scientists. We learned all about different types of doctors and what they specialise in. We then pretended we were doctors – using stethoscopes to listen to heartbeats, wrapping up sore arms and looking at germs under a special UVA light. After we talked about famous female scientist such as Florence Nightingale and Marie Curie and what they did to change the world.



In maths we have been looking at halving and quartering. We have been halving and quartering shapes and numbers. We used play-dough to half and quarter shapes.  

This week in year 1 we have been learning to double numbers. We have used ladybirds and butterflies to help us do this.

We have learnt how to double numbers up to 12 and are learning our double addition facts. 

World Book Day

We have had an excellent World Book Day. We loved dressing up as characters from our favourite books and enjoyed a story time with our friends in Year 4. It was a big treat to get to spend time with the older children and read a story to them. They were very impressed with our reading and our costumes.

We have read the book ‘Mother Earth is Weeping’ and learned a lot a about how to save our planet and do our part to stop climate change. We have made postcards inspired by the story to help spread our messages.


English - The Girl Who Went to the Arctic

In Year 1 this week we watched a video of a girl who had visited the Arctic. We received a letter that she was sent by her mam. We looked at the different punctuation in the letter and talked about question marks and explanation mark and when we use them. We then wrote our own reply to the letter.


This week in maths we have been counting in 2s we have practiced counting aloud making sure we have the right ones at the end of our numbers. We then counted objects in 2s.


In science we have been looking at the characteristics of materials. We have explored different objects and talked about what material they at made from and why. We then made predictions to see if a material was transparent or opaque, waterproof or not and whether it floated or sank.

English - The Littlest Yak

This week in year 1 we have been reading the story of The Littlest Yak. On Monday we received a letter from Gertie the littlest yak to say she had lost her hat! She asked is to design her a new hat to keep her warm. We talked about what describing words we could use to describe our hats.


In maths we have been counting in 10s. We have practices counting to in tens talking about how many tens and ones we have. We have also been counting objects. We decided it was easier to count in 10s when we have sets of ten objects.

English - Winnie in Winter

In Year 1 this half term, we are learning about Wonderfull Winter. Our story this week is Winnie in Winter. We have talked about the order of the story using our time words to help us retell the story. We talked about how Winnie feels at different parts of the story.



In Geography, we are learning about the Arctic. We looked at a map of the world and we talked about the similarities and differences of living in the UK and the Arctic.


In maths, we have been looking at numbers to 50. We have practised ordering numbers and counting forwards and backwards. We have talked about how to write our numbers to 50 making sure that we use the correct tens and ones.

English - There's a Dragon in Our School! 

Last week in Year 1 a dragon came to visit! On Monday morning Mr Hibbit spotted and recorded for us a real live dragon on the school yard! We think that was why it looked so foggy. We came up with a plan for how to capture the dragon. So we made him some yummy dragon food which was very fun. We then wrote instructions for how to make dragon food. We hoped that we could be able to capture him by putting the food outside, but he was too sneaky and got away! Maybe next time. 


We had a special visitor come into school last week to do some extra PE with us. He taught us lots of skills, especially how to move and then stop, as well as how to throw. We played lots of games and enjoyed getting extra exercise to keep ourselves healthy.


In History we have been looking at different types of castles and identifying how castles have changed over time. We looked at new castles and old castles, talked about what they were made of, the features of them and what they would be like to live in.

Anti Bullying Week

This week in Year 1 we had an exciting opportunity to work with Reach Out to make a music video to raise awareness of Anti-Bullying. We used our best acting skills and really enjoyed thinking about how we could be the most effective at getting our message across on camera. We also really enjoyed spending time with our friends in Year 2 to do this together.


In maths we have been looking at place value of numbers to 20. This week we have been making ‘teen’ numbers using dienes. We made sure we had only 1 ten and the correct number of ones. We have also been comparing numbers to 20, using the tens and ones to help us decide which is the greatest and least numbers.

History - Remembrance Day

This week we have been learning about Remembrance day. We talked about why it is a special day and why poppies are a symbol of Remembrance day. We created our own poppies using pointillism. We used cotton buds and carefully put red dots on our poppies. We think they look very effective.

English - Zog

In English we are reading the story Zog. We have been looking at time words and how we can use these to retell the story of Zog. 


In maths we have been looking at measuring weight. We have compared the weight of objects, deciding which is heaviest and which is the lightest using balance scales.

English - Suzie Orbit, Astronaut

This week in year 1 we have been reading ‘Suzie Orbit, Astronaut’ where Suzie has an interesting visit from some very interesting looking aliens. We have the designed our own aliens which we are using all of our writing skills to write sentences to describe. We have all came up with some very good describing words for our aliens.


In maths this week we have been learning to add and subtract. We have become very skilled at reading number sentences with the add and take away signs. We really enjoyed using aliens on the moon to help us add and take away.


This half term we have been learning all about space. We have talked about what it would be like to be an astronaut and go into space. This week we made astronaut pudding. We discussed what would happen to the food in space with there being no gravity. We used some chocolate powder into a bag and then added some milk. We zipped the bag and then mixed it together by squeezing the bag. We then cut a hole in the bottom of the bag and ate it like an astronaut would do in space.

English - Aliens Love Underpants

When we arrived into school on Tuesday we were shocked to find underpants all over our classrooms! We spotted a book called ‘Aliens love underpants’ and realised that aliens must have visited our school and left underpants behind! This week in English, we have ordered the story and we have been thinking about describing words we could use to describe different underpants. We talked about how to describe things using our 5 senses. Next week we will be designing our own underpants. Keep a check on FreeFlow to find out what amazing designs we have! This term we are learning all about space. This week we have been looking at the different planets, ordering them.  

Letter writing

We have had an excellent time in Year 1 since returning to school. We received a letter from our new teacher asking us lots of questions. We were really excited to write our own letter back to our teacher to help them get to know us.


We have also been practising our counting to 10 skills and our teachers have been so impressed by how well we can work with numbers to 10. We have really enjoyed using our practical resources to help us.


We have also been creating our own self portraits, inspired by artists such as Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh. We used paints and pastels to make these and love how great they look.