Fordfield Road, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear, SR4 0DA

01915 537655

  1. Learning
  2. Key Stage 1 & 2
  3. Year 1
  4. Year 1 Gallery & Work 21/22

Year 1 Gallery & Work 21/22

This week, in art, we have been looking more at the work created by Wold Kahn. We explored different materials from around the classroom to find out which would be best to use to create the trees in our art work.

This half term we have been learning all about the great North East. Last week we received a postcard from Mr Ted who had gone on a special adventure to Roker Beach. We have been learning some interesting facts about Roker Beach and it’s lighthouse. We sorted some true and false statements about Roker Beach and it’s lighthouse.

This half term we have been learning all about the great North East. Last week we received a postcard from Mr Ted who had gone on a special adventure to the Angel of the North. We have learnt lots of new facts about the Angel of the North and even made a special visit there ourselves. We had so much fun!

This half term we will be looking at the art created my Wolf Kahn. He created landscape art using oil pastels. We have begun to create our own art work using the same techniques. We can’t wait to show you our finished art work.

This week we have celebrated The Queens Platinum Jubilee. We designed and made our own afternoon tea. We made sandwiches and chose from ham, cheese, jam or chocolate spread. We then made and decorate cupcakes using red white and blue icing. We also designed out own fruit kababs making sure to only choose red white and blue fruit. We chose melon, blueberries and strawberries. We also made our own crowns to wear to the occasion too!

In science we have been looking at plants. We have been talking about what plants need to grow. We found out they need water, sunlight and the right temperature to grow. After we found out these facts we set up our own science experiment using cress. We set up 4 pots of cress. One in the sunlight which we will water and one in the sunlight which we will not water. We also put two pots in the cupboard – one we will water and the other we won’t. We made predictions to see what will happen. Keep an eye out on FreeFlow to see the results.

This week in maths we have been looking at numbers to 100. We have been sorting them from the smallest to the greatest. We talked about using the 10s to help us sort the numbers and what to do if the 10s are the same.

 In maths we have been learning to count forwards and backwards to 100. We ordered the numbers from 0 to 100. It took us a while to sort through all of the numbers but with the help of our team we managed to sort them!

This half term, our topic is Into the Forest. We will be learning all about the structure of plants and what they need to grow. In DT, we made our own flowers and labelled them. Keep an eye on FreeFlow to see all of the other amazing topic work we do!

In English we have been reading the story The Pirate Next Door. We wrote letters about a pirate adventure. We made sure to use capital letters for places, days of the week and names. We then used tea bags to stain our letters to make them look old.

It felt really weird and we thought the paper looked like Hogwarts paper! 

In year 1 we have been quartering shapes and numbers. We used playdough to make shapes and the cut them into quarters. We were very careful to make sure that all part were equal. We then practised quartering numbers. We shared the pirate coins between the 4 treasure chests. We counted the coins in the chests to make sure they were equal.

This term in art, we are looking at Vyara Tichkova. This week we have compared her pieces of art and talked about our favourite aspects of her creations. Over the next few weeks we will be creating our own art work in the style of Vyara Tichkova. We can’t wait to show you! 

In Year 1, we have been looking at doubling and halving. We matched ladybird spots to find doubles and then wrote them as a number sentence. We also doubled ladybird spots to find doubles of numbers to 10.

We have also been halving shapes and numbers. We used playdough to cut shapes in half. We made sure that there were two equal parts.

This week is British Science Week and we have been learning all about Climate Change across the school. In year 1, we have been looking at how clothes can damage the planet by sitting in landfills for over 200 years before they decompose. We discovered that when the clothes eventually do decompose, they release carbon into the atmosphere and this makes the world hotter. We asked each other the question: 'Do you wear pre-loved clothes from family and friends?' and then we created a pictogram with our results.

This week in Year 1 Maths, we have been learning how to halve shapes. We really enjoyed finding out how to divide a shape into two equal parts, which makes each part a half. Can you help us to halve things at home?

We have been looking at instructions using time words. We made some pancakes and then wrote some instructions to match. We made sure we followed of the instruction carefully to make sure pour pancakes tasted delicious!

In year 1 we have been learning about division. We have been finding out how to share objects equally. We used put sweets into groups making sure they were equal by counting them up.

This week we have been doing some observational painting of flower for our new exciting reading area. We made sure we added as much detail as possible! Don’t our pictures look amazing!

In Year 1 learning to count in 2s. First we practiced counting in 2s up to 20. Then we practiced putting things into pairs and the counting them. We counted socks, cubes and even our shoes!

In Miss Telfer’s Phonics we have been practising reading and writing our tricky words. We have practised writing the words oh, no and their. Miss Telfer was amazed by our fantastic sentence writing!

This term we are learning all about the Arctic. We have been thinking about the animals you would find in the Arctic and how they have adapted to live in the Arctic

In Year 1 we have been reading the story of the Littlest Yak. We have been practising using ‘and’ to join two sentences together. We have worked so hard with our writing – Miss Telfer is very impressed! On Monday, Mrs Jennings delivered a very special letter to us. It was a letter from the Littlest Yak asking us to design a new hat as she had lost hers! We can’t wait to show you all of hat designs and descriptive writing!

We have been reading the story ‘Winnie in Winter’. We have talked about our favourite part and how Winnie felt throughout the story. We then ordered the pictures from the story. We came up with loads of different describing words to describe Winnie and her cat Wilbur.

We have been looking at numbers to 50. We have been ordering the numbers making sure they were all in the correct order. We have also been finding out one more and one less of numbers to 50. We have been working hard to make sure we write our numbers the right way.

This week we have been learning about Christmas and how it is celebrated by different people. We have looked at Christianity and made out own Advent Wreaths. We made some candles, 3 purple and 1 pink to make our Advent Wreaths.

In maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction to 20. We used dragons and castles to help us to solve the number problems. We then used number lines, counting the jumps to find the answers to our number sentences.

In English we have been looking at time words. We have been writing instructions using time making sure we use them in the correct order. We followed instructions to make our own Pudsey biscuits.

When we came into school on Monday we had a bit of a surprise. We has some dragon eggs and a letter from the dragon. We checked the camera and we found a DRAGON had come to school. We have been thinking about ways to catch the dragon and how we can lure him back to school to collect his eggs. We made some dragon food to help catch the dragon and make him come back for his eggs!

We will keep you updated!

We then found a letter from a dragon called Dippy. He asked us to go and look for some sticks for him in the garden, so he could make a nest. He said he wanted some long sticks, some short sticks and some medium sized sticks. We had lots of fun searching.

This week in year 1 we had an unexpected visitor. Whoever it was left some foot prints in our classroom! We think it might have been a dragon. We measured the foot prints to see if they were all the same size, or if some were longer or shorter than others. There were 3 different sized foot prints so we think maybe 3 dragons visited us!

October is Black History Month. In Year 1 we have been learning about Mae Jemison who was the first black women to travel to space. We were so impressed to learn that she was a doctor before she became an astronaut. We painted portraits of  Mae Jemison and used pastels to add the details of her face.

In maths in year 1 we have been learning about addition. We looked at the whole part model and explored different ways we can part numbers. We then looked at number bonds to 10 and found how many ways we can make 10. 

This week we have been looking at addition. We noticed that every time we add numbers together the answer gets bigger. We used aliens to help use create our own number problems.

In Year 1 we have been learning about the artist Peter Thorpe. We looked at lots of his artwork and discussed what abstract art is. We then tried to create our own Peter Thorpe inspired art by smudging pastels with paper towels, and adding on shooting stars using white paint and tooth brushes. We had lots of fun doing this, and think our artwork looks amazing!

Our topic in Year 1 this term is all about Space. We have learnt lots about different astronauts and have started to learn about the different planets, the Earth, Sun and Moon. This week we have worked hard to order the planets in our Solar System – the Milky Way – and have made planet necklaces. We had so much fun colouring in the planets, practising our cutting, and working on putting the planets in the correct order. We think they look fantastic! We have also been learning  about how astronauts live in space, and we had a go at making astronaut food. We had to add water to hydrate it!

Since coming back to school, we have been having a great time in Year 1. Last week we read a story called ‘My Pet Star,’ about a girl who finds a star who has fallen from space. She looks after him and makes him all better. We then decided to make our own pet stars and looked after them. Then, this week, when we got to school on Monday, aliens had invaded the classroom. They had left lots of…. UNDERPANTS! We have been working hard to solve the mystery of the underpants in our classroom, and it has been pants-tastic!